With the election over and the results disappointing, I have been thinking a lot about the Freedom of Speech. What constitutes speech and who decides? We have been told that burning the American Flag is protected speech, the hate spewed by the KKK and their ilk is protected speech, but you can't have the Ten Commandments in a public building because of the separation of church and state, which, by the way is not in the Constitution. The entire concept was taken from a personal letter written by Thomas Jefferson and it was never Jefferson's intention to keep church out of government, but to keep government out of the church...but that is another blog for another day. Today I was sent a news story about a man named Jesse Nieto. Mr. Nieto is a 25 year veteran of the United States Marine Corps who did 2 full tours of duty in Vietnam (not the 18 week, whateverthehellthatwas that John Kerry did). Mr. Nieto's son Marc was killed on the U.S.S. Cole. Today Mr. Nieto is a civilian contractor working at Camp LeJune in North Carolina. He was pulled over by the MP's the day before yesterday and given a ticket for having this decal on the back of his truck:
He was told that he was not allowed to drive on government installations with "objectionable material" on his vehicle. Government installations include Arlington Cemetary where his son, killed by Al Qaeda, is buried. Now, I don't really have a problem with government installations and buildings having rules, but the rules should be the same for everyone....people drive in those places with anti Christian bumper stickers but that doesn't seem to be "objectionable", regardless of what other people think, I believe that Mr. Nieto has EARNED the right to say whatever the hell he wants.
And, at the risk of offending or upsetting people, I think Muslims need to get over themselves. It may certainly be the case that not ALL Muslims are terrorists, but it was Muslims that murdered Mr. Nieto's son and 16 other sailors that day and it was out of religious fanaticism. They believed they were doing the will of Allah. It WAS Muslims that murdered nearly 3,000 people on 9/11/01 and they did it out of religious fanaticism. So while the majority of Muslims are peaceful and not much different than us, this group of fanatics are following the teachings of the Koran and are killing those they perceive to be infidels. They have the right, here in America, to stand on the street, scream "Death to America" and burn our Flag and that is protected speech, but Mr. Nieto's decal....offensive. That distinction is what I find offensive.
Brava, Ma'am.
I am so tired of the Church and State thing being misquoted and misapplied as well.
God bless Mr. Nieto and his son...to whom I could never express my gratitude enough in a million years.
HE died fighting to protect everyone's Freedoms, including that of speech. The fact that his very own Father is having that freedom squelched is what is offensive to me.
Well done, Dede!
Through appeasment and political correctness we have allowed ourselves to become a society where personal and political expression is controlled, policed, and dominated by the minority and their lap dogs that hold "power".
As for Mr. Nieto, he and his son's family should be living tax free for the rest of their lives. His son paid the ultimate tax as a patriot in service of this country. To be punished in such a way is absolutely disgusting and the lack of judgement laughable.
Dede...you rock!
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere"
- The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I believe this qualifies as unjust.
Bravo, Dede!
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